Current Members

Graduate Students

Jason Datsko

Jason Datsko graduated with a B.S. in Chemistry and minor in Biology from from Fresno Pacific University in Spring 2022. Under the supervision of Dr. Maria Soria, his undergraduate research focused on transformation and isolation of the d. melanogaster amyloid-like memory protein ORB2. Jason currently works in the private sector as a quality control chemist, but hopes to eventually transition to R&D after a successful thesis defense.

Kiersten Friesen

Kiersten Friesen graduated from Westmont College in Spring 2021 with a B.S. degree in Chemistry. Her undergraduate research focused on method development in the synthesis of iridium complexes for dendrimer coupling of nanoparticles under the supervision of Dr. Steven M. Contakes. Kiersten joined the M.S. program at Fresno State in August 2022.

Jorge Aguilar

Jorge is from Woodlake, CA. He transferred to Fresno State in 2022 from the College of the Sequoias and earned B.S. degree in Chemistry in Fall 2023. During his undergraduate research (in the HMLab), he assisted Jeremy, Kirubel, and Isabella on the benzofuran project by preparing starting materials and conducting NMR analyses. In January 2024, he joined the MS program at Fresno State, where his research will focus on green and sustainable approaches to the synthesis of benzo-fused heterocycles.

Jacqueline Aguilar

Undergraduate Students

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