Group News Archive

in reverse chronological order


2023-06-01 Summer of travel for many HMLab members. Microbiology of Low Oxygen Ecosystems (MLOxE) REU at Montana State (Ani), internship at federal government offices in Washington, DC (Gurmannat).

2023-05-11 Awards, recognitions, and bittersweet farewells. Best of luck to Class of ‘23: Jeremy (MS), Michael (MS), Kirubel, Jorge, and Hailey.

2023-05-05 Michael Stevens presented his thesis research on gold-catalyzed cyclization reactions in water to a room packed with spectators and observers. Then he successfully defended the work in front of the committee. Congratulations to Michael!

2023-04-19 Isabella, Kirubel, Michael, and Jasmine presented their research at the Central California Research Symposium. Isabella and Kirubel were the recipients of the San Joaquin Valley ACS Local Section Award. Congratulations!

2023-04-15 Group alumnus gets married. Congratulations to Alex and Nathalie!

2023-03-26 Work by Jeremy, Kirubel, and Isabella was presented (two times—regular session and Sci-Mix) at the Spring National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Indianapolis, IN.

2023-03-21 Jeremy Pisor is the 2023 Graduate Dean’s Medal Nominee from the Department. Congratulations to Jeremy!

2023-03-15 Kirubel Mamo is the 2023 Undergraduate Dean’s Medal Nominee from the Department. Congratulations to Kirubel!

2023-03-13 Karen Medina has been selected by the Executive Committee of the Division of Organic Chemistry to receive an ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). Way to go, Karen!

2023-03-12 Jeremy and Chris help out at the Fresno County Science Fair

2023-01-14 Isabella, Kirubel, and Michael successfully navigated the CSUPERB Symposium and presented their work in the infamous tent. However, the 49ers fans, who stayed at the same hotel, were not interested.


2022-11-10 Kirubel Mamo wins an award for his presentation at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Anaheim, CA. Way to go, Kirubel!

2022-11-01 Isabella Garcia 2022 Fellow of Research Training Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE)Program. Congratulations!

2022-10-31 Warm welcome to new graduate students, Kiersten Friesen and Jason Datsko, and undergraduate students Gurmannat Chalotra and Franklin Gauthier-Parker.

2022-10-27 Kirubel Mamo makes his way to Puerto Rico to present our work on gold(I)-catalyzed synthesis of benzofurans at the meeting of Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).

2022-10-21 Jeremy Pisor presented his thesis research to a room packed with spectators and observers. Then he successfully defended the work in front of the graduate faculty committee. Congratulations to Jeremy!

2022-08-02 Jasmine presents the results of ACS Project SEED research.

2022-06-01 Welcome to new students in the lab: Jorge and Jasmine (ACS SEED).

2022-05-20 Congratulations to Class of 2022: Madison, Lizzie, and Monty!

2022-04-01 Karina Bustos successfully defended her MS thesis. Congratulations to Karina!

2022-03-09 After long deliberations the group agreed on the location of 2022 edition of group photo.

2022-01-15 After long period of drought in recruiting, we’re welcoming new student researchers: Isabella, Kirubel, Hailey, and Michael.


2021-08-16 The University Committees and Leadership completed their 6-year long investigation and concluded that it is worth keeping Dr. Muchalski around and promote him to the rank of Associate Professor. Committee assignment soon followed.

2021-08-16 The University Committees and Leadership completed their 6-year long investigation and concluded that it is worth keeping Dr. Muchalski around and promote him to the rank of Associate Professor. Committee assignment soon followed.

2021-06-01 Karina Bustos begins her 10-week visit at UC Davis working in the lab of Prof. Annaliese Franz

2021-05-15 Congratulation to class off 2021: Alex, Simrit, and Angel.

2021-03-26 Chrisopher Dillon successfully defended his M.S. degree thesis. Congratulations Chris!

2020-09-17 Hot off the press: our recent work, “Gold(I)–NHC-catalysed synthesis of benzofurans via migratory cyclization of 2-alkynylaryl ethers” was published in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. Congratulations to Quang, Chris, Dana, Jeremy, and Dr. Closser.


2020-08-01 Karina Bustos will begin M.S. degree work in our group supported by the NSF Bridges to Doctorate Program.

2020-05-17 Congratulations to Bagieng for being selected as President’s Medalist!

2020-05-15 Congratulations to class of 2020: Dana, Karina, Bagieng, Parveen, Daisy!

2020-04-30 Dana, Chris, and Quang presented their poster at the Virtual ACS Meeting. Go see for yourself:

2020-03-02 Karina is a receipient of 2020 Travel Award from the San Joaquin Valley Section of ACS

2020-02-01: Quang will soon begin working for the California Department of Toxic Substances Control as environmental scientist. Way to go, Quang!

2020-03-02 Karina is a receipient of 2020 Travel Award from the San Joaquin Valley Section of ACS

2020-02-01: Quang will soon begin working for the California Department of Toxic Substances Control as environmental scientist. Way to go, Quang!

2020-01-18: Dana and Chris generated lively discussions while presenting their poster (new sleek design) at the 32nd Annual CSUPERB Symposium in Santa Clara, CA. Good practice before the ACS Meeting in Philadelphia (abstract just accepted).

2020-01-10: Karina, Chris, and Simrit received Faculty Sponsored Student Research Awards (FSSRA) to support their research projects. Also, Chris and Dana secured funding from the university (IRA) to present their work at the upcoming Spring meeting of the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia.

2020-01-01: Alycia was accepted to the Forensic Chemistry program at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Best of luck on the new endeavors!


2019-11-01: Dana Lichtenstein was selected as Michigan GSSPC travel grant recipient for travel to the ACS Meeting in Philadelphia. Angel Rojas was selected as 2019 RISE Fellow. Congratulations!

2019-09-01: New semester, new members. Welcome Monty, Hamza, Lizzie, and Angel to the group!

2019-05-17: Congratulations to Class of 2019 - Melissa Sanchez, Jamie Waite, Armando DeAlba, and Paul Cavanaugh. Good luck to Melissa and Paul in their doctoral studies at UC Santa Barbara (Melissa) and UC Merced (Paul)

2019-05-01: We were very well represented at the 40th Annual Central California Research Symposium. Jamie, Karina, Alex, Alison, Dana, Quang, Chris, Jeremy, and Daisy showcased our recent discoveries. Jamie Waite and co-authors received the Best Chemistry Presentation award from the San Joaquin Valley Local Section of American Chemical Society.

2019-04-23: Melissa is heading to UC Santa Barbara Ph.D. program. Congratulations!

2019-04-01: Melissa and Chris presented their work at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Orlando.

2019-02-15: Our recent publication was voted as Outstanding Faculty Publication and will be displayed at the library. Congratulations to all co-authors!

2019-02-14: Christopher received a Graduate Travel Award to attend the ACS National Meeting in Orlando, FL. Congratulations!

2019-01-15: Melissa Sanchez was awarded a ACS Organic Division travel grant in the amount of $600.00 to attend the ACS meeting in Orlando, FL.


2018-12-14: Poster presentation on our collaborative project with Dr. Eric Person about treatment of laboratory waste received Best Poster Award at the STEM CURE Symposium. Congratulations to Paul, Jeremy, Chris, and Melissa!

2018-12-05: Our latest research was just published in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Congrats to Melissa, Parveen, Bagieng, and Chris!

2018-11-02: Quang Le successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis on the synthesis of stabilized sulfenic acids. Congratulations!

2018-06-11: Bagieng Keophimphone was selected as 2018 CSUPERB Presidents’ Commission Scholar. Congratulations!

2018-03-16: Melissa Sanchez was selected as to carry out research at the University of Louisville in laboratory of prof. G. B. Hammond. The fellowship is sponsored by the Camille Dreyfus Foundation. Way to go, Melissa!